Video of a part of the gameplay of BeLight.
The big screw in the middle needs to be placed right, so it blocks the light and the smaller screws can be used as platforms.
Because the light of the world has been extinguished, the player has to rekindle it and restore the life to the world with the help of the lumen, tiny beings made of energy that live inside of light sources and power them.
The core mechanics come from the principle that everything in the game world needs light from light sources to function or to be alive. Mothew, the player character, and the lumen, small floating creatures made of energy, need light to survive. Without it, they slowly lose energy in the dark until they die and respawn.
Every other object in the game world that is not part of the static environment, such as gear systems, moving platforms and movable screws, can only move and be moved if lit. The light sources are scattered throughout the level and can be activated and deactivated by the player using lumen.
The initial goal for this project was to create an atmospheric game that triggers emotions in the player. Because of this, atmosphere was the main focus when developing the art style and sound design for the project, and when defining the mechanics, the crucial factor was always how they would add to the atmosphere as well.
Whole Walkthrough of the game “BeLight”