Mobile Game


Opikapi is a cozy and unconstrained virtual plushie game.


  • Type of project – Video Game
  • Context – University Study
  • Type of Game – Mobile Game
  • My Postition – General Game Design, Character Design, Character Modeling
  • Software used – Blender, Photoshop, Unity 3D
  • Team – 5 Team Members
  • Production time – 3 Months
  • Date – Sommersemester 2019
  • Status – Prototype
  • Coach – Prof. Susanne Brandhorst, Prof. Thomas Bremer

Opikapi Gameplay Video


With a limited, well designed kit OPIKAPI enables the player to create their own little virtual plushie, just how they imagine it. The game is constructed to be played in short play sessions on the go and offers many little interactions with their plushie. The motivation to do so is purely intrinsic and different approaches provide the framework, like natural feedback animations and a day-and night-cycle that reflects the real world to create a deeper context for the player.

Opikapi Gameplay Video

character design

Opikapi pet in different poses, different faces being used.
Shape ideas for the pet
Shape ideas for the pet
Shape ideas for the pet
Shape ideas for the pet
Very first concept sketches for the pet, designed after interesting looking animals